Digitized Yearbooks

Cadmea Cover

In conjunction with American Digital Memories,  Tennessee High now  has its yearbook collection digitized into searchable PDFs.  They are listed by year below. Once you are in the year you need, you can simply click Ctrl+F and *search for the name or word for which you are looking.

*While the search feature works most of the time, there have been instances when it did not find the word we searched.  In this case, we recommend you double-check the yearbook for the name or picture for which you are searching.


2000  2005  2010  2015
2001  2006  2011  2016
2002  2007  2012  2017
2003  2008  2013  2018
2004  2009  2014  2019


1940  1945  1950  1955
1941  1946  1951  1956
1942  1947  1952  1957
1943  1948  1953  1958
1944  1949  1954  1959


1980  1985  1990  1995
1981  1986  1991  1996
1982  1987  1992  1997
1983  1988  1993  1998
1984  1989  1994  1999


1921  1925  1930  1936
1922  1926  1931  1937
1923  1927  1932  1938
1924  1928  1933  1939
1929  1934


1960  1965  1970  1975
1961  1966  1971  1976
1962  1967  1972  1977
1963  1968  1973  1978
1964  1969  1974  1979



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