Students wishing to request course changes should email their counselor.
Course requests will be accepted through the first two full days of school each semester. Requests for teacher preferences are not honored at any time.
During the first two days of school and upon the completion of new student enrollment, counselors will consider requests that meet one of the following guidelines:
- A class on the schedule was taken and passed in summer school.
- A class was failed in the second term of the previous year or in summer school that is a prerequisite for a course appearing on the schedule.
- No English or math course appears on the schedule.
- A senior is not registered for a required course for graduation.
- Fewer than eight classes appear on the schedule.
- Courses are not sequenced in prerequisite order on the schedule.
- Student wishes to try a more challenging course in English, math, science, or social studies.
The following are not acceptable reasons for requesting a course change:
- Teacher preference.
- Fear of a low grade or course difficulty. (Keep this in mind when registering for Honors and/or AP courses).
- Course is not required for graduation.
- Student did not complete the summer reading requirement.